Treating chronic pain naturally has become a popular pain management option for many people. Most individuals have included natural methods to treat their pain to avoid opioid painkillers. Treating chronic pain with natural methods has become preferred mostly in part because opioids have proven to be an ineffective and addictive option for care.
Are you or someone you know living with the reality of chronic pain? A startling statistic is that one out of every five Americans suffers from some form of chronic pain. Chronic pain is defined as any pain lasting more than 12 weeks. Many times chronic pain may have been treated at the source, but the messages being sent to the brain have not been turned off. Here are some great methods for treating chronic pain naturally.
Exercise to treat chronic pain naturally!
Exercise for Treating Chronic Pain Naturally
There are many benefits to physical activity for chronic pain. Exercise can reduce your risk of cardiovascular disease, mitigate the possibility of type 2 diabetes, strengthen bones and muscles, improve your mental health and mood, help you live longer, and help chronic pain. The body and mind need movement, and ample exercise can contribute to reducing the symptoms of your chronic pain. Studies have shown that joints get lubricated and glide easier as we move, and to get nutrients to be healthy, the discs need the spinal motion. Activities such as yoga, stretching and walking all can be used as immediate relief to pain symptoms.
Natural Diet Remedies Help with Pain Relief
We all know that what we put into our bodies contributes ultimately to how we experience life. If you are suffering from chronic pain, it may be time to kick the junk food and begin looking for healthier alternatives. Ginger, a root that has been found to contain compounds that fight inflammation, is one such alternative. A daily cup of coffee with small doses of caffeine can help reduce the perception of pain during a painful task. Salmon is also an excellent addition to any diet due to its high content of omega-3 fatty acids which also helps with inflammation. Red Grapes contain a compound called resveratrol, another natural chemical to have anti-inflammatory benefits.
A healthy diet can help with treating chronic pain naturally!
Join a Support Group for Pain Sufferers
Chronic pain can be a lonely and isolated experience, but there are non-profit groups willing to help. The American Chronic Pain Association has certified professionals to help guide you through your experience.
Heat Therapy as a Chronic Pain Treatment
Applying heat to the areas of your body that experience pain can go a long way. The benefits include increasing the flow of healing oxygen and nutrients to damaged areas, as well as suppressing pain signals.
Massage Therapy for Pain Management
Massage therapy not only induces a sense of relaxation, but it can help aid in diminishing the body’s perception of pain. Therapeutic massages spur blood flow, which in turn helps nourish and heal the soft tissues throughout your body. Massages also release endorphins, which are your body’s natural analgesics.
Treating chronic pain naturally means avoiding narcotic painkillers for better results without all of the side effects!
Avoiding Opiate Addiction
Some options help as much, if not better than opioid pain relievers. You are not alone in this fight, but it is suggested you begin implementing these methods if you are seeking pain relief. Opiates often lead to a long road of addiction that some are not able to come back from. The CDC estimates that over 14,000 people died from a drug overdose in 2014 and that half of all overdoses are from prescriptions.
Topical Compounds for Chronic Pain Relief
Topical compounds for pain relief are another option to treat pain more naturally. While implementing some of the ideas we’ve mentioned above, topical compounds as a form of treatment are more beneficial than traditional narcotic pain relievers. The benefits of topical pain relief in comparison to opiates are that there is no risk for addiction, and they can be used in combination with other treatments.
Want to learn more about the use of topical compounds for relieving chronic pain? Read Topical Compounds Manage Pain Better Than Opioids and Pain Management: Topical Compounds vs. Opioid Painkillers.
Have you tried any methods for treating chronic pain naturally? Tell us your experience in the comments below!