Diabetic Neuropathic pain is a common and serious complication of diabetes. There are four different forms of diabetic neuropathic pain. These include peripheral, autonomic, radiculoplexus, and mononeuropathy. It is a type of nerve damage that occurs in diabetics, and half of all individuals suffering from diabetes are living with diabetic neuropathic pain. Depending on what nerves are affected, the pain can range from numbness in the extremities to problems in your digestive systems, heart, and blood vessels. The symptoms range from mild, all the way to disabling and in rare cases can be fatal. Symptoms develop gradually which means you will not notice symptoms until the damage has already occurred.
Exercise helps combat diabetic neuropathy pain!
Diabetic Neuropathic Pain and Exercise
The positive effects exercise has upon depression associated with diabetic neuropathic pain are well documented. Exercise manages diabetic neuropathic pain by aiding in glucose control, fighting depression, circulation improvement, and keeping a healthy heart. The pain associated with this disorder, unfortunately, makes exercise difficult, but the answer is to keep exercising within your limits. Consulting with your doctor about what exercises are right for your case will help with moving forward.
Diabetes and Blood Sugar Levels
Diabetic Neuropathic pain is a progressive disorder which means it can gradually get worse. If you aren’t managing your blood sugar levels, these high levels over time can damage your peripheral nerves. Peripheral nerves are connected to your brain and spinal cord which are connected to your entire body. Make sure to monitor your blood glucose levels daily and get a hemoglobin A1C test to see your average glucose levels over the past 3 months.
Diabetic neuropathic pain can be managed with a healthy diet!
Diabetes Diet Plan
Eating a healthy diet may be the most important aspect of preventing further damage and keeping pain to a manageable level. The best way to achieve this is by implementing a diet with less sugar and fat, all while eating more frequent and smaller meals. Limit carbohydrates; eat fruits, whole grains, and more vegetables. According to research skipping meals will have a very negative effect upon persons with diabetes. Alcohol is very toxic to nerves which often make neuropathy symptoms worse.
Smoking and Diabetes: Ditch the Butt
According to the CDC, smokers who already have diabetes type 2 have higher risks for serious complications such as heart and kidney disease, poor blood flow in legs and feet which could lead to amputation, retinopathy (an eye disease that could lead to blindness), and peripheral neuropathy. Smoking compromises blood vessels by constricting them. This means less nutrient rich blood which leads to more pain.
Learn more about Diabetic Neuropathy pain by reading our article 6 Tips for Living with Diabetic Neuropathy.
Topical Compounds for Diabetic Neuropathic Pain
If exercise is too physically demanding at times, consult your doctor about topical pain relief that could be used in combination to combat the symptoms associated with diabetic neuropathy. Topical pain relief is a great alternative to narcotics without the side effects. The positive aspects of topical pain relief are that you are able to target the affected area, and the time before you start feeling relief is much quicker.
Do you or a loved one suffer from chronic pain and want to learn more about topical compounds as a treatment method? Topical compounds have numerous benefits when compared to traditional narcotic or opioid pain relievers. Adding a topical compound to your treatment regimen for chronic pain can be incredibly beneficial and provide relief for daily pain symptoms.
Are you suffering from diabetic neuropathy pain? Tell us about your experience and what tips work best for you in the comments below!