Pain Management: Topical Compounds for Chronic Pain
If you have chronic pain you have probably considered pain management with your doctor. Pain management becomes tricky when considering what the best long term outcome should be for someone suffering. Do you take an opioid pain reliever and try physical therapy? Should you try a topical compound for pain relief? The debate continues about topical compounds vs. opioid pain relievers with doctors and patients alike asking, which is better? Chronic pain affects millions of Americans daily and while there are numerous treatment methods the most common for many adults are Opioid pain relievers obtained through a prescription. These narcotic painkillers come with many side effects and can be very addictive when taken over an extended period. But there is a better way to treat daily chronic pain with a prescription medication that has little to no side effects: topical compounded creams for pain. Here is a short infographic explaining the main differences of Topical Compounds vs. Opioid pain relievers.
Topical compounds are a better alternative for pain management than opioid pain relievers
Pain Management Without Opioids
Topical compounds are a very effective method for management of your chronic pain. Applying a topical compound is quick and easy, and the effects are immediate. You don’t have to live in pain any longer relying on addictive opioid painkillers that take more time to work. Do you or a loved one suffer from chronic pain and want to learn more about topical compounds as a treatment method? Topical compounds have numerous benefits when compared to traditional narcotic opioid pain relievers. Adding a topical compound to your medication regimen for chronic pain can be incredibly beneficial and provide relief for your daily pain symptoms.
Topical compounds have numerous benefits when compared to traditional narcotic opioid pain relievers. Adding a topical compound to your medication regimen for chronic pain can be incredibly beneficial and provide relief for your daily pain symptoms. Learn about how topical compounds are a better form of managing chronic pain by checking out our article about how Topical Compounds Manage Pain Better Than Opioids and Topical Compounds for Chronic Pain Relief.
Do you think that opioid painkillers are better for pain management? Tell us why in the comments below!